An 'alternate fantasy' story set in a crazy universe, done in an improvisational style.


Eww, human

TB sat emotionless, but in the back of his head a number increased.
Me'tha had been drinking. He could tell. That certainly raised the
prices he could ask. "I'm already sitting down. Would you like to? Or
perhaps a drink?"

Me'tha cocked a tiny smile. "No, thank you. Though you may want one in a
moment..." he paused dramatically, reaching towards the hooded figure he had
brought with him. TB took a moment to look at the figure more closely. She
was tied up well, he noted distastefully. What possible threat could a
woman pose to warrant such security? And why was she brought here?

Part of his answer was revealed when Me'tha pulled the hood away, showing
her... face.

"By the purse of Xoras!" TB exclaimed, "What IS that?"

What indeed. Pale skin, some strange colour of whitish pink.. positively
sickly looking. Worse than the dwarves, even the gnomes, if such a thing
was possible. And what WAS that long fur on top of her head? Her face
would show the hint of beauty, if it wasn't so soft and curved.

What he noticed most was the eyes though. They were orange, almost aglow.
Yet at the same time, they seemed to reflect nothing. The colour was
bright, but there was no life behind them.

Outwardly, TB had managed to keep his composure, but inwardly, he felt
his stomach sink a little. Whatever the job was going to be, it was
going to be dangerous, he just knew. On the other hand, that meant his
price would go up all the higher..

Me'tha had allowed TB a few moments before stepping forward, sweeping his
arms grandly towards the woman. "I found this.. creature on my way to
the city, in the orc lands to the north. She attacked my caravan
outright, alone. She'd had great bravado, but little skill. We subdued
her shortly enough, only then realizing... well, she was hardly
a normal foolish bandit."

"Congratulations." TB said dryly, "And why exactly does this concern me?"

Me'tha smiled. "All pretentions aside for a moment, my dear fellow. You
know as well as I, the kind of world we live in. She is no creature of
this world, at least not visibly. When I caught her, she was ranting and
raving about death, wanting to die. What does that sound like to you?"

"Magic." TB repiled slowly, his eyes drifting back momentarily. Lenny
was starting to fidget. He snapped back to full attention upon seeing
his master's gaze.

"Not just any magic, though!" Me'tha said, with a hint of glee. "Even
the orgre mages haven't transformed a creature, at least not a period as
long as I've held her. Three weeks, almost!"

TB shrugged. "Powerful magic, to be sure. Why does it concern me? Or
you, for that matter?"

"This is the work of a demi-god, TB. Or at least of one of the staffs."
Me'tha proclaimed. He walked over to the woman, and stroked a cheek fondly.
"This woman must know where it is."

TB chuckled. "If its a staff you're looking for, I understand there's one
in the elven capital."

Me'tha narrowed his eyes darkly, turning upon TB. "Oh, that will stay
there. For now. What concerns me is the rise of another power within
the Elven kingdom. That would be.. an unneccessary distraction."

"If it wasn't you, you mean?" TB replied with a smirk.

Me'tha's countanance brightened visibly. "Now I see we have an
understanding!" With a bright step, he walked over to TB's desk, sitting down
on its edge. "What I come to you for, my friend, is help in dethroning
this new demi-god, before it comes into its own."

"And allowing you to take the power from it?"

"Precisely!" Me'tha exclaimed.

"The price for such a mission..." TB said lazily, "will be quite dear."

"Oh, I'm prepared to pay, friend." Me'tha answered, pulling a sack from
seemingly nowhere, dropping it onto the table. It clinked loudly, and
copiously. TB's eyes widened momentarily, despite his best efforts not to.

"A thousand gold crowns now, nine thousand after I have the staff...
and the northern countries to your brethern after the successful completion
of all my plans. What do you say?"