An 'alternate fantasy' story set in a crazy universe, done in an improvisational style.


lock n' load

"And our men died, while yours did not."

"Of course they did. Part of being mercenaries is the front lines," TB replied.

"You retreated and left them for dead!" one of the guards accused. "You may not enter." He spat at TB's feet.

TB inwardly cursed. Miscalculation. "Fine. Find another who pays as well as I do!" he said nonchalantly and turned and wheeled away. If bodies couldn't be hired, there was always weaponry.


The crates arrived the next day, the mage's guild willing to put such a large order at the top of their list.

George scratched his head as he popped open the box. "Ooo, shiny. What's this one boss?" he asked, holding up a gold rod with a red gem on the end.

"It's a rod of stupidity. Keep it pointed at yourself in case it goes off. It won't do any harm that way," drawled TB.

Lenny looks dissapointed. "Didn't you get anything that goes boom?" he asked.

"Boom, crunch, that little tinkling sound," TB looked proud. "We have enough here for an army. Start loaded up, boys. We're about to go treasure hunting."